Ayurvedische Kruiden


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Ayurvedische Kruiden
Kosten buikwandcorrectie
Op naar prijzen van klinieken? Op kliniekprijzen.nl vind u alle links en informatie over kilinieken.

Ayurwellness Seminars
Ayur wellness seminars, evenementen en workshops

Ayurvedische Huidverzorging
Huidverzorging op ayurvedische basis en massage

Ayurvedic Health
Ayurvedische massage in het dagelijkse leven

Arthritis Foundation
Arthritis foundation

Ayurveda:the art of wellness
Ayurveda:the art of wellness

DEVI, natural skincare
DEVI, natural skincare


Historical Uses
Historical Uses

The fao codex alimentarius commission defines honey as ‘the natural sweet substance produced by honeybees from the nectar of flowers or from secretions coming from living organisms feeding on plants, that bees gather, transform and combine with specific ingredients, store and leave to ripen in the combs of the hive.’ in ayurveda honey is called as 'madhu'. its qualities are explained as follows.

Himalaya Herbs
Himalaya herbal healthcare specialises in ayurvedic herbal health care products and medicines such as liv.52,providing natural,alternative care and herbal remedies.

Herbal Encyclopedia
India ayurveda portal - comprehensive herbal encyclopedia offering the names of medicinal herbs and ayurvedic medicinal herbs with their uses and importance. browse through ayurveda business catalogs and ayurveda business directory of manufacturers, exporters and importers of related products.

Female Alternative Therapy
Infertility, cause, causes of men infertility, tests for infertility, hormone treatments, surgery, conventional techniques, sperm count, sperm analysis, microsurgery, stress management, how stress affects infertility, causes of infertility in women, quality of sperm, causes for sperm deterioration, endometriosis, how is infertility in men analyses, what is unexplained fertility, artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, causes and treatment of infertility in women, natural alternatives, herbs, black cohosh, naturopathic supplements, symptoms, conventional remedies, holistic remedies, diet therapy, nutritional therapy, homeopathic remedies, mind-body therapies, guided imagery, hynotism, yoga, exercise, meditation, stress management, macrobiotic diet, chi gong, chinese treatments for infertility, acupressure, acupuncture, aromatherapy, autogenic training, ayurveda, chinese and oriental medicine, back flower remedies. biofeedback, neurofeedback, chiropractic, color therapy, common sense remedies, deep breathing, exercises, food therapy, nutritional therapy, herbal medicine, homeopathy, stress management, hypnotherapy, imagery, meditation, mind-body medicine, reflexology, qi gong, relaxation, shuster tissue salts, relaxation response, hormonal imbalance

Massage olie
Ayurvedische massage olie in het dagelijkse leven

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